Wednesday, June 27, 2012

2012 - June Newsletter

Hillsong Ridge Farm 2012 June Newsletter

Lots going on at the farm these days. The fields and gardens are FULL, the animals are all happy (all the weeds and extras they get to eat!), and we are already starting to harvest! It has been great to see everyone, family and friends, coming together to help at the farm. A part for a tractor, mulch supply, nutrition for the fields and plants, weed and pest control, animal care, future planning of a greenhouse, homemade recipes, and knowledge are just some of the things floating around the farm. When we talk about “CSA’s”, COMMUNITY SUPPORTED AGRICULTURE, that is exactly what is going on here. I see a community of people coming together to live a healthier lifestyle and create a future for our children. Thank you to all of you that continue to spread the word about what we are doing at the farm. The connections that continue to happen have been so helpful and fun to experience.

If anyone is looking to get away for a bit and have some peace and quiet, come on out to the fields. THE WEEDS ARE WAITING FOR YOU! This is the time of year it really pays to get ahead of the weeds. Pretty soon we will be so busy with harvest and fall planting that weed control moves down the list of things to get done in a day, but is just as important. It really makes a quick difference when 3-5 people are working together when weeding. 14 rows of Onions, lets have a race to see who can get to the end of the row first, while doing a good job of course. In a few hours (or less) the onions are weeded and good to grow! Maybe you are just looking for a fresh box of produce and would like to put some time in at the farm. Call Jamie to schedule a time to WORK FOR PRODUCE!

Chickens: Those of you who ordered chickens will hear from me by next weekend to let you know our butcher schedule. Anyone interested in farm fresh chickens this summer should place an order with Jamie (e-mail or call). The first batch is spoken for. The second batch of chicks are getting bigger every day and we are getting lots of orders, so ordering now will get you a farm fresh chicken for your summer grill outs. We will also be doing a “winter batch” of chickens that we will butcher in Nov. I am taking BULK orders for freezer chickens. After November we will not have fresh chickens again until June 2013. Plan now for how many chickens you will eat in a week throughout the winter and spring and how much freezer space you have. I would like to have all bulk orders in by the middle of August so we can plan accordingly.

EGGS: We’ve got farm fresh eggs! $3/ doz or $4.50 / 18pk.

CSA Box Members: June 5th starts WEEK 1 of our CSA Box Program. I am so EXCITED! Remember, boxes may be smaller this time of year and over flowing towards the middle to end of the season. Most of you will receive boxes this week. Some of you will have to wait until next week, because I split all the ½ shares up in 2 weeks, to keep our weekly packing numbers close to the same. I have sent an e-mail to the ½ share members letting you know if you will pick up on “odd” weeks or “even”. Your foodie sheets will help remind you of what week we are on. I am always looking for simple and fun recipes for our foodie cheat sheet. You can e-mail me any time about new things you try with your produce. Don’t forget to let the kids get involved too. They may be more open to eating fresh veggies when they know where they come from and help in preparing them. It has been HOT so the spinach and radishes are slow to grow and we’ve had to replant some seeds that did not emerge, likely from the dry weather. I think we went 3 weeks without rain. Let me tell ya, I did some dancing in the pouring rain because I was sooo excited to have it at the farm, and it felt good too! We watered transplants to keep them alive and help them root, and a sprinkler in the garden helped too, but everything else is in mother natures hands. The bugs are all around too. Your greens will more than likely have holes and you may find some bugs or wormies on your produce. Nothing a good cleaning won’t take care of. Like on ‘The Lion King’: “SLIMMY, YET SATISFYING!” Just something we have to get use to when eating naturally grown produce. Have fun with your first box and get ready for some great eating.

Just a heads up, this time of year you will continue receiving e-mail updates during the week to let you know what is for sale at the farm. You can also check out our website to see what is for sale each week. As always, please feel free to contact me with any comments, concerns, or questions. You can reach me via e-mail or by phone (if I do not answer please leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible) or send a text.

Word of mouth has been the best way to spread the word about what’s going on at the farm. It is fun to hear how someone new found out about us. The word is spreading fast thanks to all of you that support us daily. We can try to make a living, doing what we love, and supply you with healthy food for your kitchen tables.

Have a safe, happy, and healthy day,