Hillsong Ridge Farm 2012 June Newsletter
Lots going on at the farm these days. The fields and gardens are FULL, the animals are all happy (all the weeds and extras they get to eat!), and we are already starting to harvest! It has been great to see everyone, family and friends, coming together to help at the farm. A part for a tractor, mulch supply, nutrition for the fields and plants, weed and pest control, animal care, future planning of a greenhouse, homemade recipes, and knowledge are just some of the things floating around the farm. When we talk about “CSA’s”, COMMUNITY SUPPORTED AGRICULTURE, that is exactly what is going on here. I see a community of people coming together to live a healthier lifestyle and create a future for our children. Thank you to all of you that continue to spread the word about what we are doing at the farm. The connections that continue to happen have been so helpful and fun to experience.
If anyone is looking to get away for a bit and have some peace and quiet, come on out to the fields. THE WEEDS ARE WAITING FOR YOU! This is the time of year it really pays to get ahead of the weeds. Pretty soon we will be so busy with harvest and fall planting that weed control moves down the list of things to get done in a day, but is just as important. It really makes a quick difference when 3-5 people are working together when weeding. 14 rows of Onions, lets have a race to see who can get to the end of the row first, while doing a good job of course. In a few hours (or less) the onions are weeded and good to grow! Maybe you are just looking for a fresh box of produce and would like to put some time in at the farm. Call Jamie to schedule a time to WORK FOR PRODUCE!
Chickens: Those of you who ordered chickens will hear from me by next weekend to let you know our butcher schedule. Anyone interested in farm fresh chickens this summer should place an order with Jamie (e-mail or call). The first batch is spoken for. The second batch of chicks are getting bigger every day and we are getting lots of orders, so ordering now will get you a farm fresh chicken for your summer grill outs. We will also be doing a “winter batch” of chickens that we will butcher in Nov. I am taking BULK orders for freezer chickens. After November we will not have fresh chickens again until June 2013. Plan now for how many chickens you will eat in a week throughout the winter and spring and how much freezer space you have. I would like to have all bulk orders in by the middle of August so we can plan accordingly.
EGGS: We’ve got farm fresh eggs! $3/ doz or $4.50 / 18pk.
CSA Box Members: June 5th starts WEEK 1 of our CSA Box Program. I am so EXCITED! Remember, boxes may be smaller this time of year and over flowing towards the middle to end of the season. Most of you will receive boxes this week. Some of you will have to wait until next week, because I split all the ½ shares up in 2 weeks, to keep our weekly packing numbers close to the same. I have sent an e-mail to the ½ share members letting you know if you will pick up on “odd” weeks or “even”. Your foodie sheets will help remind you of what week we are on. I am always looking for simple and fun recipes for our foodie cheat sheet. You can e-mail me any time about new things you try with your produce. Don’t forget to let the kids get involved too. They may be more open to eating fresh veggies when they know where they come from and help in preparing them. It has been HOT so the spinach and radishes are slow to grow and we’ve had to replant some seeds that did not emerge, likely from the dry weather. I think we went 3 weeks without rain. Let me tell ya, I did some dancing in the pouring rain because I was sooo excited to have it at the farm, and it felt good too! We watered transplants to keep them alive and help them root, and a sprinkler in the garden helped too, but everything else is in mother natures hands. The bugs are all around too. Your greens will more than likely have holes and you may find some bugs or wormies on your produce. Nothing a good cleaning won’t take care of. Like on ‘The Lion King’: “SLIMMY, YET SATISFYING!” Just something we have to get use to when eating naturally grown produce. Have fun with your first box and get ready for some great eating.
Just a heads up, this time of year you will continue receiving e-mail updates during the week to let you know what is for sale at the farm. You can also check out our website to see what is for sale each week. As always, please feel free to contact me with any comments, concerns, or questions. You can reach me via e-mail or by phone (if I do not answer please leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible) or send a text.
Word of mouth has been the best way to spread the word about what’s going on at the farm. It is fun to hear how someone new found out about us. The word is spreading fast thanks to all of you that support us daily. We can try to make a living, doing what we love, and supply you with healthy food for your kitchen tables.
Have a safe, happy, and healthy day,
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Friday, May 25, 2012
2012 - May Newslettter
Hillsong Ridge Farm 2012 May Newsletter By: Jamie Spahn
Plant it and it will grow! Plant, plant and more planting. Transplants and seeds are making their way into the dirt at Hillsong Ridge. Rows of radishes, lettuce, beets, and peas are growing well from our early plantings in the lawn garden. Cabbage, Broccoli, Kohlrabi, Cauliflower and even some Black Cherry Tomato transplants are rooting and growing well with the rain and cooler weather. Onions, Potatoes, Carrots, Spinach, Swiss Chard and Kale are also enjoying the spring mother nature is providing so far. The next few weeks we will get Beans, Peppers, Tomatoes, Cukes, Zucchini, Sweet Corn, Pumpkins, and much, much more into the ground, along with our second plantings of things like lettuce and peas.
Grandpa said, “The radishes are ready.” It was so exciting to watch the girls go get the harvest baskets, walk to the garden, and point out to me which ones the radishes were. I told them, “Start pulling this whole row, put them in your baskets and bring them over to the hose to wash them.” I walked over to start cutting rhubarb and turned to see them both bent over picking radishes. How Cool! It didn’t take very long til they were over by the hose. (Kids and water…) Lucy worked hard and her basket was fuller than I thought. Lily just liked to keep turning the hose on FULL BLAST. We bundled 6 bunches of radishes! We are so excited to grow for you! It’s what we love to do!
WE HAVE A WEBSITE! Just another thing that makes this all so real. We are in the third year growing produce and it IS a business. Check out our site anytime. We will be making regular changes and updates to keep you posted on all that is happening at the farm. Thank you so much to Kathy Spahn (Grandma) and Joe Meinholz for putting this together. This is going to be a great way for us to communicate with all of you!
Radishes $1.75/ bundle
Rhubarb $1.50/bundle or $2 for 2
Potted Herbs and Specialty Garden Baskets $5-$18
Leaf Lettuce $2 = ½ lb $3.50= 1lb
Possibly Spinach by the end of the week.
Our first batch of chickens are looking good. We are aiming for the 2nd week in June to start butchering but that will be determined when it gets a little closer. I will be contacting those of you that pre-ordered your chickens the first part of June to schedule pick ups/deliveries. Most of the 1st batch is spoken for but we are still taking orders. We have also ordered the 2nd batch of babies to arrive next week. They will be ready the first part of July. Yum, chicken on the grill! I can’t wait!
We are still getting LOTS of eggs. Swing in at the farm to pick up your fresh eggs daily. Deliveries to Sauk, Cross Plains, and Spring Green on Wednesdays.
CSA Weekly Produce Box Members:
As of right now we are on track for starting boxes the first full week in June. Expect things like lettuce, spinach, radishes, beets, kale, table onions and hopefully some asparagus and strawberries the first couple weeks. I will be meeting with some of our drop off sites to go over how things will work when boxes are delivered. I am also starting to put together our foodie sheets for the boxes. I am looking for easy recipes for first timers cooking with fresh veggies. Receiving produce is very new for some members so I want to help make it less overwhelming by making sure I have lots of good ideas of how to work with these foods. Please e-mail your ideas and recipes to hillsongridgefarm@gmail.com. Thank You!
Lots of our chickens are laying “double yolkers”. If you are eating eggs from Hillsong Ridge Farm, I would like to hear about your experience with these big eggs. The girls like to pick out the biggest egg in our dozen each week and make bets. The winner gets to eat the egg! E-mail your story to me at hillsongridgefarm@gmail.com. I will share the stories with the kids and the best story gets a free dozen eggs! (I will also share in next months newsletter)
Just a heads up, this time of year you will start receiving e-mail updates during the week to let you know what is for sale at the farm. As always, please feel free to contact me with any comments, concerns, or questions. You can reach me via e-mail or by phone (if I do not answer please leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible) or send a text.
Word of mouth has been the best way to spread the word about what’s going on at the farm. It is fun to hear how someone new found out about us. The word is spreading fast thanks to all of you that support us daily. We can work, doing what we love and supply you with healthy food you want to share.
Have a safe, happy, and healthy day,
Friday, April 27, 2012
Herbs and Specialty Garden Pots
Hello Everyone,
We have herbs for sale along with specialty garden pots filled with herbs, veggies and flowers.
Herbs alone = $3 each
Specialty Pots range from $5-$18 depending on size and varieties.
Mother's Day is approaching and we thought these garden pots might be a nice gift idea. They are also great for anyone without garden space that would like to grow a few things on the porch or even good project pots for the kids!!!
Here are some of the 'specialty pots" we put together. If there is one you are interested in, let me know. We only have 1 of each put together for show right now, but would be happy to make LOTS more. If there is some kind of pot you'd like us to put together for you, also let me know. I love this idea for gifts. Mother's Day, Baby or Bridal showers, wedding gifts, teacher gift at the end of the year....
1. Pansies, Viloas (editable), eggplant, and Lettuce
2. Cherry Tomatoes and petunias
3. Lavendar, buttercrunch lettuce, and violas
4. Lettuce, Sage, and Rosemary
5. "SALSA POT" = Cherry Tomatoes, basil, cilantro, bell pepper, habanero peppers
6. Sweet potato vines with yellow and purple beans (one grows down the pot the other grows up!)
7. Bell pepper, eggplant, marigolds, and pansies
8. Bell pepper, habanero pepper, and lettuce
9. Eggplant and pansies (this is in a small pot with eggplant on top and pansies coming out side holes!)
10. Mint Plants
Available Herbs for Sale:
Basil, Cilantro, Rosemary, Thyme, diff. Mints, Oregano, Lavendar, Tarragon, Parsley
Basil, Cilantro, Rosemary, Thyme, diff. Mints, Oregano, Lavendar, Tarragon, Parsley
We will be at the farm Saturday if you want to swing in 10am-5pm. (other times available apon request)
Have a great weekend!!
Monday, April 23, 2012
Potted Herbs for Sale!
Single and specialty pots. Prices and pics to come.
Check out April newsletter in the archives!
BEES arrived yesterday. 5 hives!!!! Hope they like their new home:)
The red winged black bird has been watching us in the garden, on the post where the new sign will go! Hope he is happy with our work so far...
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
2012 - April Newsletter
It’s April 10th and I am just getting to the newsletter. Just a sign that the “farming” season has started rolling. The weather has been perfect for getting outdoor work done. The pens are getting cleaned out, goats and Jerseys are grazing, yard is being weed whacked and mowed, flower beds are clearing and even BLOOMING. Warm weather feels great to us but is a little scary too. All of the fruit trees have blossomed so any talk of “hard frost” or “freeze” really gets your mind thinking. What will this growing season be like with things happening so early? I just had to plant a few rows in the garden when we had 3 weeks of “record highs”. Not much, just some radishes, beets, kohlrabi, spinach, lettuce and peas! I really hope the peas make it. We didn’t have enough to freeze much last year so I am really CRAVING them.
“CRAVING FRESH VEGGIES?” Anyone who has known me for a long time, knows that is fairly new to me. I’d like to say my taste buds are changing as I get older but I really think it boils down to eating fresh out of the garden. After having the blessing (and choice) of growing fresh foods on the farm the past 2 years, getting food from the store just isn’t the same anymore. You may find a grocery store that carries good food when you need it, but the flavor, textures, colors, and energy does not compare by far. The FACT that my body feels better when I eat this way is a no brainer. That being said, there are still a few slots open in our CSA Weekly/Biweekly Box Program. Signing up in April will still give us a little time to plan our plantings. If you need more info please contact me.
The kids are having a blast. New baby chicks, picking up LOTS of eggs, new goats adding to the herd (no babies yet), and seeing how much the Jersey calves and fall piglets have grown, open their eyes wide. They laugh when they watch the ducks splash in “Leo’s Duck Pond” (kiddy pool) and they are getting really excited for new baby kittens too. They have been watching as the mama cats bellies get bigger and bigger. Lucy is not a fan of the smells on the farm. You will always see her plug her nose when it’s time to go in the barn or to the hen house to get eggs. Lily on the other hand has no fear of any animal or poop. If there are chores to be done, she’s right there with you doing them. I took her into the hen house for the first time to get eggs. The hens make a noise that can be a little intimidating when there are so many but she just talks right back to them. Thank you for the eggs chickens, I love you”. We may have a few more broken eggs by the time we are done but reaching in those boxes to find a surprise of 1 or many eggs is so fun for her. Lucy will do it too but she’d rather feed the goats corn. She has figured out her own way to communicate with them! We have had a few visitors this past week and she will call the goats to come from the pasture to see everyone. She will also sit down and shuck corn into a bucket for an hour, so we can feed them. She gets the love of goats from her daddy. And don’t forget about Rosie! Every time she sees an animal she says, “HI!”. We almost had a “not so good” moment with baby chicks. My niece was seeing the chicks for her first time and was a little shy about it. I caught a chick and held it close to Rosie to show her that even Rosie is not scared. Well, Rosie did what any 11 month old would do. She reached out and grabbed it by the neck and started squeezing. A short moment seemed like forever, as I tried to peel her fingers away from the chick to keep the eyes from popping out in front of us. My sister and I let out a little scream too, so that didn’t help my niece’s fear at all. It took a second but then we put the baby chick down and away she ran to join the rest of them as they ate. PHEW!
Since we are talking about the kids, now is a great time to remind ALL to be very careful when pulling in at the farm. We have a fenced in playground to keep the kids safe, but they are not always in there so keep your vehicles slow and your eyes open for them at all times. Thank you. The busiest kid traffic area is between the house and the garage and when you come up the driveway it’s a little hard to see them before they pop out from behind the wall by the front porch. To be safe it is a good idea to park down on the lower part of the driveway by the pigs and old corn crib. Other safety issues at the farm are the pigs, fences, and horns on the animals. Please do not feed or pet the pigs, they may bite. They are fun to watch so please visit with them from a short distance. Also, the top fence by the pigs and the fence around the goats pasture is electric. You will get a shock if you touch it so please remind your children to stand back a bit from the fences. However, we do have a GREEN gate by the goat pasture that is NOT electric so that is a good place to pet and feed the goats. Some of the goats have horns though so please remind the kids to hold their hands out to feed them. I am learning that all little kids, by nature, like to stick their faces out close to the animals to say “hello”. We have a ways to go before we can have “tours” all the time at the farm, but it is nice to have scheduled visitors to help us learn how this process will have to come together. Everyone is welcome to visit the farm, but during this busy planting season we ask to call first to set up a scheduled visit. There are too many tractors and other machinery moving around daily right now so SAFETY FIRST!!!
We have had lots of pre-orders coming in (thank you), so if you are thinking about purchasing a fresh chicken in June you may want to contact me now to get on the list to guarantee you a chicken. We will be ordering another batch in a few weeks but those will not be ready til July.
EGGS: $3/dozen or $4.50/18 pk
Last month we were just keeping up with egg orders, and now, only a few weeks later, we have eggs coming out of our ears. Anyone that would like to join the egg share program, please contact me to get on the list. I make weekly and biweekly deliveries on Wednesdays. We’ve had a new customer join with some co-workers this month. I deliver every other week to their work, saving them time at the end of the day and supplying them with local, fresh eggs for their families. Just like with the drop off program, we’d like to have at least 3 dozen or more to start a site. I deliver to Sauk, drop off site is Ancient Healing (located in the Eagle Plaza). I have also had a volunteer in Cross Plains for a biweekly drop off site. If anyone in the Cross Plains area is interested in eggs, please let me know. We are open at the farm daily for egg sales as well. We are State Certified with our eggs so we can sell to businesses and sell at markets. If you have a business and are in need of farm fresh, local eggs, we are here for you.
KALE FOR SALE: (limited amount so first come first serve)
$4 = ½ lb
$7 = 1 lb
I want to first thank ALL of you for your support with this program. The money you pay upfront has been great to get things going at the farm. Seeds are in, and plants are looking beautiful in the greenhouses that are growing for us. We’ve been able to purchase some equipment that will help in the fields and have some money to pay employees. With the amount we are growing this year, we will need LOTS of help. If you are a member and want to get your hands dirty but didn’t have enough time to dedicate for a box share, you can still come out and help. I will be sending out e-mails to let volunteers know when help is needed. We love to trade time for eggs and extra produce, so that is always an option.
Those of you that signed up for the workers share, please know that we will be ready to have you start working in a couple weeks. You don’t have to start now, but if you want to put hours in now when there is work, then you can “slack” a little in the summer when you want to take vacations, spend time with family, or when the weather does not cooperate.
We have almost hit our goal of 75 weekly boxes! This is SO EXCITING for us. Just knowing that the need for local, fresh produce is out there reminds me that I am on the right path. Nothing makes me happier than working at the farm, whether it’s in the garden, with the animals, or on the road making deliveries. I knew this dream was possible but you are all making it come true!!! My love comes back to you in every seed I plant for the food we will grow for you and your families!
As always, please feel free to contact me with any comment, concerns, or questions. You can reach me via e-mail or by phone (if I do not answer please leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible). I truly believe we can change our habits and live healthy lives. The healthier we are, the happier our live will be. SPREAD THE WORD!
Looking for information? Check out our blog and face book pages. hillsongridgefarm.blogspot.com
(website in progress)
Have a safe, happy, and healthy day,
“CRAVING FRESH VEGGIES?” Anyone who has known me for a long time, knows that is fairly new to me. I’d like to say my taste buds are changing as I get older but I really think it boils down to eating fresh out of the garden. After having the blessing (and choice) of growing fresh foods on the farm the past 2 years, getting food from the store just isn’t the same anymore. You may find a grocery store that carries good food when you need it, but the flavor, textures, colors, and energy does not compare by far. The FACT that my body feels better when I eat this way is a no brainer. That being said, there are still a few slots open in our CSA Weekly/Biweekly Box Program. Signing up in April will still give us a little time to plan our plantings. If you need more info please contact me.
The kids are having a blast. New baby chicks, picking up LOTS of eggs, new goats adding to the herd (no babies yet), and seeing how much the Jersey calves and fall piglets have grown, open their eyes wide. They laugh when they watch the ducks splash in “Leo’s Duck Pond” (kiddy pool) and they are getting really excited for new baby kittens too. They have been watching as the mama cats bellies get bigger and bigger. Lucy is not a fan of the smells on the farm. You will always see her plug her nose when it’s time to go in the barn or to the hen house to get eggs. Lily on the other hand has no fear of any animal or poop. If there are chores to be done, she’s right there with you doing them. I took her into the hen house for the first time to get eggs. The hens make a noise that can be a little intimidating when there are so many but she just talks right back to them. Thank you for the eggs chickens, I love you”. We may have a few more broken eggs by the time we are done but reaching in those boxes to find a surprise of 1 or many eggs is so fun for her. Lucy will do it too but she’d rather feed the goats corn. She has figured out her own way to communicate with them! We have had a few visitors this past week and she will call the goats to come from the pasture to see everyone. She will also sit down and shuck corn into a bucket for an hour, so we can feed them. She gets the love of goats from her daddy. And don’t forget about Rosie! Every time she sees an animal she says, “HI!”. We almost had a “not so good” moment with baby chicks. My niece was seeing the chicks for her first time and was a little shy about it. I caught a chick and held it close to Rosie to show her that even Rosie is not scared. Well, Rosie did what any 11 month old would do. She reached out and grabbed it by the neck and started squeezing. A short moment seemed like forever, as I tried to peel her fingers away from the chick to keep the eyes from popping out in front of us. My sister and I let out a little scream too, so that didn’t help my niece’s fear at all. It took a second but then we put the baby chick down and away she ran to join the rest of them as they ate. PHEW!
Since we are talking about the kids, now is a great time to remind ALL to be very careful when pulling in at the farm. We have a fenced in playground to keep the kids safe, but they are not always in there so keep your vehicles slow and your eyes open for them at all times. Thank you. The busiest kid traffic area is between the house and the garage and when you come up the driveway it’s a little hard to see them before they pop out from behind the wall by the front porch. To be safe it is a good idea to park down on the lower part of the driveway by the pigs and old corn crib. Other safety issues at the farm are the pigs, fences, and horns on the animals. Please do not feed or pet the pigs, they may bite. They are fun to watch so please visit with them from a short distance. Also, the top fence by the pigs and the fence around the goats pasture is electric. You will get a shock if you touch it so please remind your children to stand back a bit from the fences. However, we do have a GREEN gate by the goat pasture that is NOT electric so that is a good place to pet and feed the goats. Some of the goats have horns though so please remind the kids to hold their hands out to feed them. I am learning that all little kids, by nature, like to stick their faces out close to the animals to say “hello”. We have a ways to go before we can have “tours” all the time at the farm, but it is nice to have scheduled visitors to help us learn how this process will have to come together. Everyone is welcome to visit the farm, but during this busy planting season we ask to call first to set up a scheduled visit. There are too many tractors and other machinery moving around daily right now so SAFETY FIRST!!!
We have had lots of pre-orders coming in (thank you), so if you are thinking about purchasing a fresh chicken in June you may want to contact me now to get on the list to guarantee you a chicken. We will be ordering another batch in a few weeks but those will not be ready til July.
EGGS: $3/dozen or $4.50/18 pk
Last month we were just keeping up with egg orders, and now, only a few weeks later, we have eggs coming out of our ears. Anyone that would like to join the egg share program, please contact me to get on the list. I make weekly and biweekly deliveries on Wednesdays. We’ve had a new customer join with some co-workers this month. I deliver every other week to their work, saving them time at the end of the day and supplying them with local, fresh eggs for their families. Just like with the drop off program, we’d like to have at least 3 dozen or more to start a site. I deliver to Sauk, drop off site is Ancient Healing (located in the Eagle Plaza). I have also had a volunteer in Cross Plains for a biweekly drop off site. If anyone in the Cross Plains area is interested in eggs, please let me know. We are open at the farm daily for egg sales as well. We are State Certified with our eggs so we can sell to businesses and sell at markets. If you have a business and are in need of farm fresh, local eggs, we are here for you.
KALE FOR SALE: (limited amount so first come first serve)
$4 = ½ lb
$7 = 1 lb
I want to first thank ALL of you for your support with this program. The money you pay upfront has been great to get things going at the farm. Seeds are in, and plants are looking beautiful in the greenhouses that are growing for us. We’ve been able to purchase some equipment that will help in the fields and have some money to pay employees. With the amount we are growing this year, we will need LOTS of help. If you are a member and want to get your hands dirty but didn’t have enough time to dedicate for a box share, you can still come out and help. I will be sending out e-mails to let volunteers know when help is needed. We love to trade time for eggs and extra produce, so that is always an option.
Those of you that signed up for the workers share, please know that we will be ready to have you start working in a couple weeks. You don’t have to start now, but if you want to put hours in now when there is work, then you can “slack” a little in the summer when you want to take vacations, spend time with family, or when the weather does not cooperate.
We have almost hit our goal of 75 weekly boxes! This is SO EXCITING for us. Just knowing that the need for local, fresh produce is out there reminds me that I am on the right path. Nothing makes me happier than working at the farm, whether it’s in the garden, with the animals, or on the road making deliveries. I knew this dream was possible but you are all making it come true!!! My love comes back to you in every seed I plant for the food we will grow for you and your families!
As always, please feel free to contact me with any comment, concerns, or questions. You can reach me via e-mail or by phone (if I do not answer please leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible). I truly believe we can change our habits and live healthy lives. The healthier we are, the happier our live will be. SPREAD THE WORD!
Looking for information? Check out our blog and face book pages. hillsongridgefarm.blogspot.com
(website in progress)
Have a safe, happy, and healthy day,
Monday, April 9, 2012
Fresh Kale for Sale
$4 = 1/2 lb
$7 = 1 lb
10 lbs total available (first come first served)
Kale is a wonderful green to add to fresh salads and SMOOTHIES! Wonderful to bake and steam. Lots of fiber when steamed! Great in your weekly diet to help with inflammation and high in antioxidants.
Contact Jamie for possible Wed. delivery to Madison, Sauk, Cross Plains and Spring Green.
$7 = 1 lb
10 lbs total available (first come first served)
Kale is a wonderful green to add to fresh salads and SMOOTHIES! Wonderful to bake and steam. Lots of fiber when steamed! Great in your weekly diet to help with inflammation and high in antioxidants.
Contact Jamie for possible Wed. delivery to Madison, Sauk, Cross Plains and Spring Green.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Hello Everyone,
I just wanted to let you know we have LOTS of eggs now. (about 10 doz a DAY). Easter is next weekend and the brown eggs DO color well (just not great with yellow and orange). The colors will be darker but are cool especially on those speckled eggs. Getting them now and letting them sit a week or so will help with the peeling after hard boiling. You can stop at the farm any time. The eggs are in the large silver refrigerator in the garage. Help yourself if no one is around. You can leave $ in the fridge by the eggs or in the middle desk drawer.
Have a happy and healthy day,
I just wanted to let you know we have LOTS of eggs now. (about 10 doz a DAY). Easter is next weekend and the brown eggs DO color well (just not great with yellow and orange). The colors will be darker but are cool especially on those speckled eggs. Getting them now and letting them sit a week or so will help with the peeling after hard boiling. You can stop at the farm any time. The eggs are in the large silver refrigerator in the garage. Help yourself if no one is around. You can leave $ in the fridge by the eggs or in the middle desk drawer.
Have a happy and healthy day,
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Baby Chicks!
We got baby chicks yesterday. So fluffy and cute! Lucy has made it her job to unload them all into their new home. She LOVES workin' hard with Grandpa!
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
CSA Weekly/Biweekly Produce Box Sign up: DEADLINE MARCH 15TH
Hello Everybody,
I hope you all get a chance to enjoy the weather today, even if it's only for a moment.
This is just a reminder:
THIS THURSDAY, MARCH 15TH is the DEADLINE to sign up for the box program at our LOWEST RATES. We will continue to allow members to sign up til the end of April but our rates will go up after Thursday. We have to raise the price to cover extra expenses like ordering more seeds, plants, and employees. Signing up this week keeps us on track with our current orders/prices. Thanks to all of you that have already sent your payment. Things are starting to roll slowly at the farm and pick up a little more every day the sun shines! I can not say this enough, "WE ARE SO EXCITED TO GROW FOR YOU THIS YEAR!!!!!!"
Have a HAPPY and HEALTHY day,
I hope you all get a chance to enjoy the weather today, even if it's only for a moment.
This is just a reminder:
THIS THURSDAY, MARCH 15TH is the DEADLINE to sign up for the box program at our LOWEST RATES. We will continue to allow members to sign up til the end of April but our rates will go up after Thursday. We have to raise the price to cover extra expenses like ordering more seeds, plants, and employees. Signing up this week keeps us on track with our current orders/prices. Thanks to all of you that have already sent your payment. Things are starting to roll slowly at the farm and pick up a little more every day the sun shines! I can not say this enough, "WE ARE SO EXCITED TO GROW FOR YOU THIS YEAR!!!!!!"
Have a HAPPY and HEALTHY day,
Thursday, March 1, 2012
2012 - March Newsletter
Ordering seeds and plants, putting together budgets for the season, keeping an eye on the pregnant mamma goats, getting ready for baby chicks, planning for a greenhouse, answering e-mails about our farm and what we provide, and getting box members signed up seems to be keeping us very busy. The excitement is overwhelming. Just a few months ago we were so worn out and ready for a break and now all I want to do is get in the field and start working. The warmer weather is making me think we might get to start planting a little early this year, but it is Wisconsin, so we’ll just have to see.
What’s New at the Farm:
Ducks! We have 3 females and 1 male. They will help protect the chickens from predators and they are cool to watch. They are in the barn right now but soon will be roaming the farm, so watch out for them waddling around when you pull in the driveway. We also got a daddy pig. It was Lily’s turn to name an animal, so next time you are at the farm say hello to “Strawberry Shortcake”!!! We are thinking of raising pigs for meat. They too will not be on grass at this time but are home grown and healthier than anything you will find in the store. I love me some pork!!!
Last year we had a problem with pollination. From what I understand, due to all the industrial corn and soybean fields the bee populations are in danger. It is not the sprays that hurt them the most, but the chemicals in the seeds. The bees take the “dust” back to their hives and it will kill the whole hive. We are happy to announce we have 5 bee hives coming this spring!!!! Let’s hope the bees, fruit trees and produce work together to provide a wonderful environment for all to survive.
Weekly Produce Box Program Info:
I want to take some time to talk about our CSA Weekly Produce Box Program. There have been lots of questions and I want to make sure you all understand how the program works. The deadline for sign up is March 15th. We will take on members after this date, but please note that our prices will go up a bit so sign up now for your lowest 2012 rates.
Early (May-June)
Radish - red and white
Lettuce - multiple types
Peas (snow & snap)
Table Onions
Herbs (many diff. types)
Greens (collards, kale, mustards)
*We currently purchase organically grown Asparagus (our Asparagus patch won‘t be ready til next year), and Strawberries, from neighboring farms.
Mid (July - Aug.)
Beets (many varieties)
Beans (green, purple, yellow)
Greens (collards, kale, mustards)
Lettuce - multiple types
Onions - sweet and Spanish
Peas (snow & snap)
Peppers (green, red, orange, yellow, purple bells) Red Italian frying peppers and other hot peppers
Tomatoes (many varieties, including cherry)
Zucchini/Summer Squash
Sweet Corn
Late (Sept.- Nov.)
Apples (some)
Brussels Sprouts
Cabbage (green & purple)
Lettuce - many types
Sweet Potatoes
Pumpkins (pie and carving)
Winter Squash (Delicate, Butternut, Buttercup, Spaghetti, Acorn)
Possible Fruits this year: Raspberries, Strawberries, Apples, Cherries, Pears, Peaches, Blueberries, Blackberries, Grapes.
We will be getting new baby “meat” chickens soon. We raise them to 3.5-6lbs for butchering. Price per pound to be determined. You can get small ones cut and packaged or purchase them whole. They should be available around June. We love to take pre-orders, it helps with planning. As of right now they will not be pastured yet, but we are working on this. We have them in a chicken coop with outdoor (cement) access. We do not feed them chemicals, growth hormones, or antibiotics.
Our current project is getting the outdoor pen set up for the laying hens. I can’t wait to be able to watch them outdoors. The “new baby layers” haven’t started laying yet so we are just keeping up with demand again. As the days get longer and they get more daylight, they should start laying. When this happens we will be ready to take on more Egg Share Members.
As always, please feel free to contact me with any comment, concerns, or questions. You can reach me via e-mail or by phone (if I do not answer please leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible). This is our 3rd year growing produce for the public and we LOVE it. We know this would not be happening with out the support from all of you and we thank you so much. I truly believe we can change our habits and live healthy lives. The healthier we are, the happier our live will be.
Looking for info, check out our blog and face book pages. Hillsongridgefarm.blogspot.com
(website in progress)
Have a safe, happy, and healthy day,
What’s New at the Farm:
Ducks! We have 3 females and 1 male. They will help protect the chickens from predators and they are cool to watch. They are in the barn right now but soon will be roaming the farm, so watch out for them waddling around when you pull in the driveway. We also got a daddy pig. It was Lily’s turn to name an animal, so next time you are at the farm say hello to “Strawberry Shortcake”!!! We are thinking of raising pigs for meat. They too will not be on grass at this time but are home grown and healthier than anything you will find in the store. I love me some pork!!!
Last year we had a problem with pollination. From what I understand, due to all the industrial corn and soybean fields the bee populations are in danger. It is not the sprays that hurt them the most, but the chemicals in the seeds. The bees take the “dust” back to their hives and it will kill the whole hive. We are happy to announce we have 5 bee hives coming this spring!!!! Let’s hope the bees, fruit trees and produce work together to provide a wonderful environment for all to survive.
Weekly Produce Box Program Info:
I want to take some time to talk about our CSA Weekly Produce Box Program. There have been lots of questions and I want to make sure you all understand how the program works. The deadline for sign up is March 15th. We will take on members after this date, but please note that our prices will go up a bit so sign up now for your lowest 2012 rates.
- CSA stands for: COMMUNITY SUPPORTED AGRICULTURE - not only are we creating a farm for our communities to be involved in but we are also creating markets for our community farms (they help out when we do not have enough supply or when they can grow something we can’t)
- How it works: Members pay an upfront, 1 time, seasonal payment to receive a box of fresh, local, chemical free produce weekly or biweekly for 20 weeks. We plan for the boxes to start early June, but it all depends on mother nature. Plan on the first boxes to be a little smaller then the rest and LOTS of greens at first.
- Your payment financially supports our family farm (Thank You), while we promise to work hard to provide you healthy food for your dinner tables, which your bodies deserve. Cancer, diabetes, and heart disease, along with many other health problems are on the rise. I truly believe a lot of if has to do with the chemicals in/on our foods.
- Some things your payment goes towards: plants, seeds, garden tools, equipment expenses, utilities, employees, packaging and marketing. We also set aside some of the CSA money to purchase a few things like fruit, until our orchard can supply all of us.
- We will include a “foodie sheet” in every box. The sheet will have instructions on how to care for your produce and recipes for those not so familiar veggies or veggies that just keep coming like zucchini and tomatoes.
- CSA Member appreciation event: We are thinking chicken BBQ (along with seasonal veggies) and bonfire. Date to be determined. July is a good time because there are lots of veggie varieties available but lots of families do summer vacations, so maybe October would be better for an end of the season celebration…
- We do not have a program set up yet where you can pick and choose your produce for your box. Below you will find a “schedule” of what to expect each month. I highly recommend trying new things first. Sometimes just finding different ways to cook a veggie makes all the difference. Otherwise you can share your products with family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers. Last year I also saw members exchange things in their boxes. For example, if you don’t like peppers and your co-worker does but doesn’t like beets and you do, just trade!
- The box season can be very overwhelming when supply is high but it can also be very fun. I love trying new recipes and things with the kids. We had way to many patty pan zucchini last year so we did a painting project and used the patty pans for awesome new designs. We will try not to put too much in your boxes when supply is high because we know it sucks to let produce go to waste when you are getting boxes weekly. You will get larger boxes at times though so be prepared to can, freeze or dehydrate for winter months. Please remember your areas local food pantry’s are always looking for donations!
- When signing up for your box program you agree to share the RISKS and BOUNTY with us, the farmer, and other members. If a natural disaster happens at the farm, there are no refunds. We will do our very best to provide everything we can but mother nature is always in charge.
- Box members receive discounted rates on all bulk buys through out the 2012 growing season.
Early (May-June)
Radish - red and white
Lettuce - multiple types
Peas (snow & snap)
Table Onions
Herbs (many diff. types)
Greens (collards, kale, mustards)
*We currently purchase organically grown Asparagus (our Asparagus patch won‘t be ready til next year), and Strawberries, from neighboring farms.
Mid (July - Aug.)
Beets (many varieties)
Beans (green, purple, yellow)
Greens (collards, kale, mustards)
Lettuce - multiple types
Onions - sweet and Spanish
Peas (snow & snap)
Peppers (green, red, orange, yellow, purple bells) Red Italian frying peppers and other hot peppers
Tomatoes (many varieties, including cherry)
Zucchini/Summer Squash
Sweet Corn
Late (Sept.- Nov.)
Apples (some)
Brussels Sprouts
Cabbage (green & purple)
Lettuce - many types
Sweet Potatoes
Pumpkins (pie and carving)
Winter Squash (Delicate, Butternut, Buttercup, Spaghetti, Acorn)
Possible Fruits this year: Raspberries, Strawberries, Apples, Cherries, Pears, Peaches, Blueberries, Blackberries, Grapes.
We will be getting new baby “meat” chickens soon. We raise them to 3.5-6lbs for butchering. Price per pound to be determined. You can get small ones cut and packaged or purchase them whole. They should be available around June. We love to take pre-orders, it helps with planning. As of right now they will not be pastured yet, but we are working on this. We have them in a chicken coop with outdoor (cement) access. We do not feed them chemicals, growth hormones, or antibiotics.
Our current project is getting the outdoor pen set up for the laying hens. I can’t wait to be able to watch them outdoors. The “new baby layers” haven’t started laying yet so we are just keeping up with demand again. As the days get longer and they get more daylight, they should start laying. When this happens we will be ready to take on more Egg Share Members.
As always, please feel free to contact me with any comment, concerns, or questions. You can reach me via e-mail or by phone (if I do not answer please leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible). This is our 3rd year growing produce for the public and we LOVE it. We know this would not be happening with out the support from all of you and we thank you so much. I truly believe we can change our habits and live healthy lives. The healthier we are, the happier our live will be.
Looking for info, check out our blog and face book pages. Hillsongridgefarm.blogspot.com
(website in progress)
Have a safe, happy, and healthy day,
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
CSA Boxes
How to sign up for you CSA Box: Please send Jamie an email or call her with your home address so she can send you the sign up sheet.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
2012 - February Newsletter
It is Feb. 1st, and I am no longer on “winter break”. I have had so much fun staying home with the girls the past 2 months. We all had a chance to really get to know each other and lots of cuddle time!!! I couldn’t have thought of a better way to start my 1st day of work than with a press release at the farm. We are supporting a Dane County packing house/food hub project that will create lots of jobs, but more importantly get our produce in schools, hospitals, and other institutions. I get to the farm with the girls around 9am. Visitors are supposed to start arriving in an hour. Steve took off work for a short while and surprised me. I am glad he was there because he puts a lot of time in at the farm and is a big part of this “dream”. It was getting close to 11am and I was starting to get anxious, not a single person was there yet. Where is everybody? "Maybe this isn’t that big of a deal," I thought.
I WAS WRONG. A few minutes later 2-4 cars pulled in at a time. The driveway was full and people were starting to park on the road. Introductions were happening so fast that I instantly forgot most peoples names. I decided the ones that stuck in my head would guide me on my path for the event. Everyone was scattered and talking. Lots of comments heard about how nice of a day it was to get out of the office. (I’m glad I’m a farmer). Just like that, the “release” started. We stood in front of the cameras and press, like a family, proud in what we are doing. One by one the girls lost interest in standing quietly. Thank you to Kimmy for being there to take them. When all the questions where answered it was over and the reporters made their way thru the small crowd. Matt from Middleton Times found me 1st. I had remembered that name! He wanted to cover the story with a different angle, from the farmers perspective. Questions and pictures with the girls and Steve by the goats. Leo was talking with people, we were talking with people, others were interviewing, and some were walking around taking pictures. My adrenaline was rushing. They love seeing the animals and that we had fresh eggs available. All I could think was, “This is so AWESOME!”
Finally the girls were done. All they wanted to do was play in the snow pile. Slowly the cars disappeared and all was quiet on the farm again. The story was not all about us, but we got some nice exposure and I will support anything that will get local foods into the school systems. We were on all 3 Local News Channels at 6pm. You may find the reports on their websites. Also, look for the articles in the Wisconsin State Journal and Middleton Times. I will let you know of others when I see them.
The days are getting a little longer so that means PLANTING SEASON is coming. We’ve already ordered many plant varieties from Mama’s Farm -Mazomanie- and I start my own flower and herb seeds in 2 weeks. We will be placing seed orders over the next 2 weeks as well. Here is a list of what we have ordered so far:
BRUSSEL SPROUTS - Hybrid Jade Cross
CABBAGE - Dynamo, Huron, Pennant, Ruby Perfection, Savoy Ace AAS
CAULIFLOWER - Hybrid Snow Queen Improved
KALE - Red Russian, Vates, Dwarf Blue Curled(we will also plant by seed)
KOHLIRABI - Early White Vienna, Early Purple Vienna
LETTUCE - Summertime, Buttercrunch, Parris Island
SPINACH -Melody F1
CANTALOPE - Early Dew Honey Dew
CUKES, PICKLES -Bush Pickle, SMR 58
EGGPLANT- Bibo, Black Beauty
TOMATO, HYBRID - Celebrity, Mountain Fresh, Wisconsin 55
TOMATO, HYBRID – SMALL - Aztec, Sungold, Agriset 8279
TOMATO, OPEN POL. - Yellow Pear
PEPPER, O.P. SWEET -California Wonder, Purple Beauty, Sweet Banana, Carmen
PEPPER, HYBRID SWEET - Early Sensation
SQUASH, SUMMER HYBRID - Peter Pan (Patty Green), Sunburst AAS
SQUASH, SUMMER - Early, Prolific (Straightneck)
WATERMELON, OPEN POL. - Crimson Sweet, Sugar Baby
We have lots of ordering to do yet too (like sweet corn and potatoes), so the list above just gets better. And hopefully a little fruit too. We will purchase fruit from other local farmers when they have extras, because it is important to include in your daily diet and farms like to support each other whenever possible.
We will have open market at the farm again this year, times and days to be determined. The deadline for the Box Program is in 6 weeks, so you may see lots of advertising until than. We will be looking for workers at some point during the season, but you will see a separate posting when we are ready for workers. We may just need help in short spurts when all the planting needs to get in before the rain or a day or so after a good rain when the weeds are easiest to pull. We have plans for kid event days too, but not all the details have come together yet. I will keep you posted on this.
2012 Weekly Box Program (CSA): Our goal is a 20 week Season.
2012 Weekly Produce Box Member Prices:
½ Share = EVERY OTHER WEEK Box (9-10 weeks from Mid June - Mid October) = single person or veggie lite household = $225
Small Share = Every Week Box (18-20 weeks from Mid June - Mid October) = provides for a household that eats & cooks fresh veggies (family consumption may vary) = $450
Large Share = Every Week Box (18-20 weeks from Mid June - Mid October) = large firmly or household that eats LOTS of veggies and may want to can/dehydrate/freeze portions = $630
Add EGG SHARES to your box membership:
½ share = 1 dozen, every other week, for 10 weeks = $30
Full Share = 1 dozen, every week, for 20 weeks = $60
We will be offering a workers share in 2012. Come to the farm and work 5 hours a week and receive a Small Share every week. You mush be 18 or older to participate in the workers share and have your own transportation to and from the farm. As a “worker” you will participate in multiple duties at the farm like; planting, WEEDING, harvesting, bundling and packaging produce for boxes, putting together boxes, and other light chores. Please note that if you commit to a workers share, we and other members expect 5 hours of your hard, concentrated work every week, rain or shine.
Hillsong Ridge Farm is focused on producing chemical free, fresh produce for our local communities. In our 3rd year we will continue to grow a wide selection of veggies, herbs, and fruits. We work hard as a family to bring you the best quality food we can provide as we learn how to build a sustainable farm for everyone to enjoy. We put lots of love into what we do at the farm. With your continued support we see a healthy future for all of us.
When you join our box program, you become an active member @ our farm. You will receive weekly or biweekly boxes filled with a variety of common veggies as well as other not so common varieties that are grown in Wisconsin Climate. As we continue to nurture our fruit production (it will be a few years yet before we have large quantities) you may also receive a variety of fruits in your box. Included in each box is a “Foodie Sheet” that tells you how to care for and cook your products. You will also get a monthly newsletter, updating you on what’s going on at the farm each month.
The Weekly Produce Box program is an 18-20 week season that was designed to help you save money on produce, teach to eat seasonally, learn to preserve fresh foods for winter, and provide members with special product privileges. The deadline for WPB sign up is March 15th 2012. Payment is due before March 15th, in the form of cash or check. You may pay in full or pay ½ now and post date a check for the other half for July 15th 2012. (Other payment plans available upon request.)
As a box member you agree to share in the RISKS as well as the BOUNTY with the farmer and other members. Understand that due to wildlife, mother nature, and/or other production factors, the quantities and varieties may vary seasonally from 1 year to the next. (There are NO REFUNDS with the box program).
Pick Up times at the farm on:
Tuesdays: 3pm-7pm or
Thursdays: Noon to 6pm
Home Deliveries Available: (we will not be charging for delivery but will except donations for gas.)
Thursdays 2pm-6pm
**We recommend leaving med-large size cooler out for those hot days and to keep away pests and other critters if you will not be around to receive your box soon after it is delivered!**
We deliver to:
Madison (North and West Side, and Downtown)
Cross Plains
Black Earth
Spring Green
If you live in a town not on the list, but are interested, please contact me to see if we are able to deliver to your direction. We will also be looking for 'DROP OFF LOCATIONS' so multiple customers can pick up their produce in one spot! If you would like to volunteer your home or office for a drop off spot, please contact me ASAP! Possible discounts for the members who volunteer depending on how many boxes at your site.
What are you doing now with your frozen produce from last years growing season?
We want to hear from you. Preserving can take some time and be a little overwhelming but I sure love having fresh peppers and other veggies for my stews and other cooking needs during these last few months before this years seasonal produce becomes available.
FRESH EGGS AVAILABLE DAILY @ the farm or possible delivery on Wednesdays. We are always looking for drop off locations for eggs as well. We require a minimum of 3 customers per site. If you are having a hard time finding egg members, let me know. If I spread the word you may be surprised to find others in your area that are interested.
Please continue to stay updated with our blog and face book pages. We are working on the website and hope to have it up and running very soon.
The warmer weather has been nice. I will not be surprised if we get a few large snow storms yet though. It is winter in Wisconsin. I am at the farm a few days a week now and working more hours from home as well. Please contact me with any questions about the upcoming grow season. We are happy to grow for you and communicating with the customer is very important to us. We are so thankful for your continued support of our “dream”.
Stay Healthy and Happy,
I WAS WRONG. A few minutes later 2-4 cars pulled in at a time. The driveway was full and people were starting to park on the road. Introductions were happening so fast that I instantly forgot most peoples names. I decided the ones that stuck in my head would guide me on my path for the event. Everyone was scattered and talking. Lots of comments heard about how nice of a day it was to get out of the office. (I’m glad I’m a farmer). Just like that, the “release” started. We stood in front of the cameras and press, like a family, proud in what we are doing. One by one the girls lost interest in standing quietly. Thank you to Kimmy for being there to take them. When all the questions where answered it was over and the reporters made their way thru the small crowd. Matt from Middleton Times found me 1st. I had remembered that name! He wanted to cover the story with a different angle, from the farmers perspective. Questions and pictures with the girls and Steve by the goats. Leo was talking with people, we were talking with people, others were interviewing, and some were walking around taking pictures. My adrenaline was rushing. They love seeing the animals and that we had fresh eggs available. All I could think was, “This is so AWESOME!”
Finally the girls were done. All they wanted to do was play in the snow pile. Slowly the cars disappeared and all was quiet on the farm again. The story was not all about us, but we got some nice exposure and I will support anything that will get local foods into the school systems. We were on all 3 Local News Channels at 6pm. You may find the reports on their websites. Also, look for the articles in the Wisconsin State Journal and Middleton Times. I will let you know of others when I see them.
The days are getting a little longer so that means PLANTING SEASON is coming. We’ve already ordered many plant varieties from Mama’s Farm -Mazomanie- and I start my own flower and herb seeds in 2 weeks. We will be placing seed orders over the next 2 weeks as well. Here is a list of what we have ordered so far:
BRUSSEL SPROUTS - Hybrid Jade Cross
CABBAGE - Dynamo, Huron, Pennant, Ruby Perfection, Savoy Ace AAS
CAULIFLOWER - Hybrid Snow Queen Improved
KALE - Red Russian, Vates, Dwarf Blue Curled(we will also plant by seed)
KOHLIRABI - Early White Vienna, Early Purple Vienna
LETTUCE - Summertime, Buttercrunch, Parris Island
SPINACH -Melody F1
CANTALOPE - Early Dew Honey Dew
CUKES, PICKLES -Bush Pickle, SMR 58
EGGPLANT- Bibo, Black Beauty
TOMATO, HYBRID - Celebrity, Mountain Fresh, Wisconsin 55
TOMATO, HYBRID – SMALL - Aztec, Sungold, Agriset 8279
TOMATO, OPEN POL. - Yellow Pear
PEPPER, O.P. SWEET -California Wonder, Purple Beauty, Sweet Banana, Carmen
PEPPER, HYBRID SWEET - Early Sensation
SQUASH, SUMMER HYBRID - Peter Pan (Patty Green), Sunburst AAS
SQUASH, SUMMER - Early, Prolific (Straightneck)
WATERMELON, OPEN POL. - Crimson Sweet, Sugar Baby
We have lots of ordering to do yet too (like sweet corn and potatoes), so the list above just gets better. And hopefully a little fruit too. We will purchase fruit from other local farmers when they have extras, because it is important to include in your daily diet and farms like to support each other whenever possible.
We will have open market at the farm again this year, times and days to be determined. The deadline for the Box Program is in 6 weeks, so you may see lots of advertising until than. We will be looking for workers at some point during the season, but you will see a separate posting when we are ready for workers. We may just need help in short spurts when all the planting needs to get in before the rain or a day or so after a good rain when the weeds are easiest to pull. We have plans for kid event days too, but not all the details have come together yet. I will keep you posted on this.
2012 Weekly Box Program (CSA): Our goal is a 20 week Season.
2012 Weekly Produce Box Member Prices:
½ Share = EVERY OTHER WEEK Box (9-10 weeks from Mid June - Mid October) = single person or veggie lite household = $225
Small Share = Every Week Box (18-20 weeks from Mid June - Mid October) = provides for a household that eats & cooks fresh veggies (family consumption may vary) = $450
Large Share = Every Week Box (18-20 weeks from Mid June - Mid October) = large firmly or household that eats LOTS of veggies and may want to can/dehydrate/freeze portions = $630
Add EGG SHARES to your box membership:
½ share = 1 dozen, every other week, for 10 weeks = $30
Full Share = 1 dozen, every week, for 20 weeks = $60
We will be offering a workers share in 2012. Come to the farm and work 5 hours a week and receive a Small Share every week. You mush be 18 or older to participate in the workers share and have your own transportation to and from the farm. As a “worker” you will participate in multiple duties at the farm like; planting, WEEDING, harvesting, bundling and packaging produce for boxes, putting together boxes, and other light chores. Please note that if you commit to a workers share, we and other members expect 5 hours of your hard, concentrated work every week, rain or shine.
Hillsong Ridge Farm is focused on producing chemical free, fresh produce for our local communities. In our 3rd year we will continue to grow a wide selection of veggies, herbs, and fruits. We work hard as a family to bring you the best quality food we can provide as we learn how to build a sustainable farm for everyone to enjoy. We put lots of love into what we do at the farm. With your continued support we see a healthy future for all of us.
When you join our box program, you become an active member @ our farm. You will receive weekly or biweekly boxes filled with a variety of common veggies as well as other not so common varieties that are grown in Wisconsin Climate. As we continue to nurture our fruit production (it will be a few years yet before we have large quantities) you may also receive a variety of fruits in your box. Included in each box is a “Foodie Sheet” that tells you how to care for and cook your products. You will also get a monthly newsletter, updating you on what’s going on at the farm each month.
The Weekly Produce Box program is an 18-20 week season that was designed to help you save money on produce, teach to eat seasonally, learn to preserve fresh foods for winter, and provide members with special product privileges. The deadline for WPB sign up is March 15th 2012. Payment is due before March 15th, in the form of cash or check. You may pay in full or pay ½ now and post date a check for the other half for July 15th 2012. (Other payment plans available upon request.)
As a box member you agree to share in the RISKS as well as the BOUNTY with the farmer and other members. Understand that due to wildlife, mother nature, and/or other production factors, the quantities and varieties may vary seasonally from 1 year to the next. (There are NO REFUNDS with the box program).
Pick Up times at the farm on:
Tuesdays: 3pm-7pm or
Thursdays: Noon to 6pm
Home Deliveries Available: (we will not be charging for delivery but will except donations for gas.)
Thursdays 2pm-6pm
**We recommend leaving med-large size cooler out for those hot days and to keep away pests and other critters if you will not be around to receive your box soon after it is delivered!**
We deliver to:
Madison (North and West Side, and Downtown)
Cross Plains
Black Earth
Spring Green
If you live in a town not on the list, but are interested, please contact me to see if we are able to deliver to your direction. We will also be looking for 'DROP OFF LOCATIONS' so multiple customers can pick up their produce in one spot! If you would like to volunteer your home or office for a drop off spot, please contact me ASAP! Possible discounts for the members who volunteer depending on how many boxes at your site.
What are you doing now with your frozen produce from last years growing season?
We want to hear from you. Preserving can take some time and be a little overwhelming but I sure love having fresh peppers and other veggies for my stews and other cooking needs during these last few months before this years seasonal produce becomes available.
FRESH EGGS AVAILABLE DAILY @ the farm or possible delivery on Wednesdays. We are always looking for drop off locations for eggs as well. We require a minimum of 3 customers per site. If you are having a hard time finding egg members, let me know. If I spread the word you may be surprised to find others in your area that are interested.
Please continue to stay updated with our blog and face book pages. We are working on the website and hope to have it up and running very soon.
The warmer weather has been nice. I will not be surprised if we get a few large snow storms yet though. It is winter in Wisconsin. I am at the farm a few days a week now and working more hours from home as well. Please contact me with any questions about the upcoming grow season. We are happy to grow for you and communicating with the customer is very important to us. We are so thankful for your continued support of our “dream”.
Stay Healthy and Happy,
Thursday, January 12, 2012
2012 Box Program information
Hello Everyone, Please BE SAFE out there today!
I just wanted to send our box program info., to make for easy reference. We will NOT be a part of the Madison Area CSA Coalition in 2012. We have a few more requirements to meet before the farm can become a candidate for membership. (We are going forward with this process for the future.) Please check with your insurance companies though, because some will reimburse as long as they have a receipt from us. We are now accepting 2012 Box Members. The earlier you sign up for the box program the more time we will have to plan accordingly.
Pick up your box at the farm on:
Tuesdays: 3pm-7pm or
Thursdays: Noon to 6pm
Home Deliveries Available: (we will not be charging for home delivery but will except donations for gas.)
Thursdays 2pm-6pm
(We recommend leaving a cooler out for those hot days and to keep away pests and other critters if you will not be around to receive your box soon after it is delivered!)
We deliver to :
Madison (North and West Side, and Downtown) We will consider the South and East sides if we get enough customers.
Cross Plains
Black Earth
Spring Green
If you live in a town not on the list please contact me to see if we are able to deliver to your direction. We will also be looking for 'DROP OFF LOCATIONS' so multiple customers can pick up their produce in one spot! If you would like to volunteer your home or office for a drop off spot, please contact me ASAP!
Have a Healthy rest of the week,
2012 Hillsong Ridge Farm Weekly Box Program:
Hillsong Ridge Farm is focused on producing chemical free, fresh produce for our local communities. In our 3rd year we will continue to grow a wide selection of veggies, herbs, and fruits. We work hard as a family to bring you the best quality food we can provide as we learn how to build a sustainable farm for everyone to enjoy. We put lots of love into what we do at the farm. With your continued support we see a healthy future for all of us.
When you join our box program, you become an active member at our farm. You will receive weekly or biweekly boxes filled with a variety of common veggies as well as other not so common varieties that are grown in Wisconsin Climate. As we continue to nurture our fruit production (it will be a few years yet before we have large quantities)you may also receive a variety of fruits in your box.
The Weekly Produce Box program is an 18-20 week season that was designed to help you save money on produce, teach to eat seasonally, and provide members with special product privileges. The deadline for WPB sign up is March 15th 2012. Payment is due before March 15th, in the form of cash or check. You may pay in full or pay ½ now and post date a check for the other half for July 15th 2012.
As a box member you agree to share in the RISKS as well as the BOUNTY with the farmer and other members. Understand that due to wildlife, mother nature, and/or other production factors, the quantities and varieties may vary seasonally from 1 year to the next. (There are NO REFUNDS with the box program).
2012 Weekly Produce Box Member Prices:
½ Share = EVERY OTHER WEEK Box (9-10 weeks from Mid June - Mid October) = single person or veggie lite household = $225
Small Share = Every Week Box (18-20 weeks from Mid June - Mid October) = provides for a household that eats & cooks fresh veggies (family consumption may vary) = $450
Large Share = Every Week Box (18-20 weeks from Mid June - Mid October) = large family or household that eats LOTS of veggies and may want to can/dehydrate/freeze portions = $630
Add EGG SHARES to your box membership:
½ share = 1 dozen, every other week, for 10 weeks = $30
Full Share = 1 dozen, every week, for 20 weeks = $60
We will be offering a workers share in 2012. Come to the farm and work 5 hours a week and receive a Small Share every week. You must be 18 or older to participate in the workers share and have your own transportation to and from the farm. As a “worker” you will participate in multiple duties at the farm like; planting, WEEDING, harvesting, bundling and packaging produce for boxes, putting together boxes, and other light chores. Please note that if you commit to a workers share, we and other members expect 5 hours of your hard, concentrated work every week, rain or shine.
Pick up your box at the farm on:
Tuesdays: 3pm-7pm or
Thursdays: Noon to 6pm
Home Deliveries Available: (we will not be charging for home delivery but will except donations for gas.)
Thursdays 2pm-6pm
(We recommend leaving a cooler out for those hot days and to keep away pests and other critters if you will not be around to receive your box soon after it is delivered!)
We deliver to :
Madison (North and West Side, and Downtown) We will consider the South and East sides if we get enough customers.
Cross Plains
Black Earth
Spring Green
If you live in a town not on the list please contact me to see if we are able to deliver to your direction. We will also be looking for 'DROP OFF LOCATIONS' so multiple customers can pick up their produce in one spot! If you would like to volunteer your home or office for a drop off spot, please contact me ASAP!
Take care and THINK HEALTHY! We can't wait to see what 2012 Growing Season has to offer!
I just wanted to send our box program info., to make for easy reference. We will NOT be a part of the Madison Area CSA Coalition in 2012. We have a few more requirements to meet before the farm can become a candidate for membership. (We are going forward with this process for the future.) Please check with your insurance companies though, because some will reimburse as long as they have a receipt from us. We are now accepting 2012 Box Members. The earlier you sign up for the box program the more time we will have to plan accordingly.
Pick up your box at the farm on:
Tuesdays: 3pm-7pm or
Thursdays: Noon to 6pm
Home Deliveries Available: (we will not be charging for home delivery but will except donations for gas.)
Thursdays 2pm-6pm
(We recommend leaving a cooler out for those hot days and to keep away pests and other critters if you will not be around to receive your box soon after it is delivered!)
We deliver to :
Madison (North and West Side, and Downtown) We will consider the South and East sides if we get enough customers.
Cross Plains
Black Earth
Spring Green
If you live in a town not on the list please contact me to see if we are able to deliver to your direction. We will also be looking for 'DROP OFF LOCATIONS' so multiple customers can pick up their produce in one spot! If you would like to volunteer your home or office for a drop off spot, please contact me ASAP!
Have a Healthy rest of the week,
2012 Hillsong Ridge Farm Weekly Box Program:
Hillsong Ridge Farm is focused on producing chemical free, fresh produce for our local communities. In our 3rd year we will continue to grow a wide selection of veggies, herbs, and fruits. We work hard as a family to bring you the best quality food we can provide as we learn how to build a sustainable farm for everyone to enjoy. We put lots of love into what we do at the farm. With your continued support we see a healthy future for all of us.
When you join our box program, you become an active member at our farm. You will receive weekly or biweekly boxes filled with a variety of common veggies as well as other not so common varieties that are grown in Wisconsin Climate. As we continue to nurture our fruit production (it will be a few years yet before we have large quantities)you may also receive a variety of fruits in your box.
The Weekly Produce Box program is an 18-20 week season that was designed to help you save money on produce, teach to eat seasonally, and provide members with special product privileges. The deadline for WPB sign up is March 15th 2012. Payment is due before March 15th, in the form of cash or check. You may pay in full or pay ½ now and post date a check for the other half for July 15th 2012.
As a box member you agree to share in the RISKS as well as the BOUNTY with the farmer and other members. Understand that due to wildlife, mother nature, and/or other production factors, the quantities and varieties may vary seasonally from 1 year to the next. (There are NO REFUNDS with the box program).
2012 Weekly Produce Box Member Prices:
½ Share = EVERY OTHER WEEK Box (9-10 weeks from Mid June - Mid October) = single person or veggie lite household = $225
Small Share = Every Week Box (18-20 weeks from Mid June - Mid October) = provides for a household that eats & cooks fresh veggies (family consumption may vary) = $450
Large Share = Every Week Box (18-20 weeks from Mid June - Mid October) = large family or household that eats LOTS of veggies and may want to can/dehydrate/freeze portions = $630
Add EGG SHARES to your box membership:
½ share = 1 dozen, every other week, for 10 weeks = $30
Full Share = 1 dozen, every week, for 20 weeks = $60
We will be offering a workers share in 2012. Come to the farm and work 5 hours a week and receive a Small Share every week. You must be 18 or older to participate in the workers share and have your own transportation to and from the farm. As a “worker” you will participate in multiple duties at the farm like; planting, WEEDING, harvesting, bundling and packaging produce for boxes, putting together boxes, and other light chores. Please note that if you commit to a workers share, we and other members expect 5 hours of your hard, concentrated work every week, rain or shine.
Pick up your box at the farm on:
Tuesdays: 3pm-7pm or
Thursdays: Noon to 6pm
Home Deliveries Available: (we will not be charging for home delivery but will except donations for gas.)
Thursdays 2pm-6pm
(We recommend leaving a cooler out for those hot days and to keep away pests and other critters if you will not be around to receive your box soon after it is delivered!)
We deliver to :
Madison (North and West Side, and Downtown) We will consider the South and East sides if we get enough customers.
Cross Plains
Black Earth
Spring Green
If you live in a town not on the list please contact me to see if we are able to deliver to your direction. We will also be looking for 'DROP OFF LOCATIONS' so multiple customers can pick up their produce in one spot! If you would like to volunteer your home or office for a drop off spot, please contact me ASAP!
Take care and THINK HEALTHY! We can't wait to see what 2012 Growing Season has to offer!