Tuesday, July 19, 2011

No markets Wednesday - deliveries instead

Hello Everyone, due the heat and safety of our employees we will not have market at sauk or at the farm wed. However, I will be making deliveries to Sauk Wed around 11am and if you need to pick up your box at the farm we will be around. If there is anything you need please place an order via e-mail or phone by 8am Wednesday. I will bag it up for you and deliver to your house or to Ancient Healing (at the Eagle Plaza) for you to pick up on Wed. Anyone that would like to stop in at the farm, just let me know what you need and we will have it ready for you to pick up. We only want to harvest what we need to this week. Please know we want to supply you with what you need so don't be afraid to place an order!!!

Broccoli $3.00/qt $5.50 - 1/4 bushel (~3.5lbs)

Beans (green and yellow) $3.50/lb 10lb = 1/2 bushel= $25

Cabbage $1.50/head

Onions (small and large, yellow, white and purple) $1.50/lb

Summer squash $.50 each

Yellow/Green Zucchini $.50 each

Cucumbers $.50 each

Pickling cukes $1.50/lb ( i have about 20lbs so first come first serve. our dill has yellow seeds at this point)

Dill $4.00 for 12 heads

Red Potatoes $1.00/lb buy by the qt or 5lb bags


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